Open and honest communication is an important key
Coping with siblings, especially when one has special needs, can present unique challenges. However, with the extraordinary understanding, patience, and empathy required from all members involved, you’ll find there are exceptional opportunities for growth within a family.
As in all situations, open and honest communication an important key. It fosters understanding, awareness and acceptance of each other’s differences. To help prevent misunderstandings and resentment from building up over time, encourage siblings to express their feelings, concerns, and frustrations in a safe and supportive environment. Your other children need reassurance that they’re as important to you as your child with special needs. They want to know – and feel – that you care about them and what they’re going through.
Empathy plays an important role in fostering strong sibling relationships. Encourage siblings to think about the other’s situation and challenges. This empathy can lead to greater compassion and cooperation within – and outside – the family.
Create awareness about the requirements of those with special needs because knowledge is empowering. It generates acceptance and can change the misconceptions or fears your children may have. Help them understand that everyone is unique and deserving of love and respect, regardless of their abilities or differences. Children have wild imaginations, and in the absence of accurate information, they may imagine that the situation is worse than it is.
Encourage everyone to involve the sibling with special needs in activities and social events, whenever possible. This promotes inclusivity within the family as well as a sense of belonging, thereby, strengthening bonds between siblings. It also provides opportunities for the sibling with special needs to develop social skills and confidence.
Establish clear boundaries and expectations for behaviour. Siblings may experience feelings of jealousy or resentment towards the child who receives extra attention. Setting boundaries helps ensure fairness and respect within the family dynamic.
Spending quality time together allows siblings to connect on a deeper level and strengthens their individual relationships. This helps lessen feelings of neglect or rivalry and reinforces the importance of each sibling within the family unit.
Siblings need to pursue their interests and hobbies outside their family roles. It’s essential for each sibling to have their identity and to follow their interests, independently. A sense of fulfilment and self-confidence follows, and this can impact, positively, on their relationship with the sibling with special needs.
Parenting a child with special needs can be challenging, and siblings may need additional support to cope with their emotions. You may need help too. Consider family therapy or support groups where siblings can connect with others facing similar experiences. We at Capulum College are available to help you, as well.
Celebrate achievements and milestones together as a family. Recognise and acknowledge the strengths and accomplishments of each sibling, regardless of their abilities. This helps promote a positive and supportive family environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated.