How much distress is your child’s stress causing you?
There are varying forms of stress, and we all have adopted different techniques to cope with stress. If your child’s behaviour is affecting the school, members of your family, or his/her friends, then the question is: ‘how much distress is your child’s stress causing you?’. Is this a problem that needs professional intervention?
We are all aware that our days are full of unpredictable changes. Some of these changes can arouse excitement that leads to enhanced enthusiasm and heightened motivation – sometimes lifechanging. There, however, are the changes that can stir up stress that often causes anxiety, improper behaviour and poor health.
There is nothing abnormal about stress. Researchers say, “it is an automatic physical, mental and emotional response to challenging events”. It’s a normal part of everyone’s life, including the lives of children – except when is leads to problematic behaviour.
Children seldom ask for help when they are stressed. Why? Because they are unaware that they are anxious. It’s a condition that gradually creeps up and only when behavioural patterns change is it recognised.
These few signs may help you identify whether you child is suffering with stress.
- Emotional outbursts or increased irritability that contradict his/her usual behaviour.
- Have you noticed a change in your child’s sleep patterns? Do nightmares trouble him/her?
- Is your child preferring more time alone – distancing himself/herself from friends – and sometimes family?
- Has your child started struggling with school and schoolwork?
- Does your child lose concentration?
- Headaches and stomach aches can signal stress.
Dealing with a stressed child can cause anxiety and suffering for a parent. There, however, is no need to battle alone. We, at Capulum College, are familiar with various conditions including stress in children. We are only a phone call away…
To start helping your child we recommend talking to – and sharing experiences with – him/her. Introduce fun-filled activities that will keep your child focussed and in the present moment. Play, laughter and routine are highly recommended – so is sleep and your child’s diet
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