Outings offer engaging ways to learn
The aim of education is to help children learn essential skills such as problem solving, working with others and sharing, among others.
By taking our learners on outings, we at Capulum College present engaging ways to learn, thereby, helping nurture the imagination and giving the children a sense of adventure.
A recent outing took us to Anew Hotel Hilton formerly Protea Hotel Hilton. Here the learners enjoyed first-hand experience of this 80-something-year-old, four-star landmark – the service and the facilities offered. They had the opportunity to see the hotel as guests and valued the privilege of taking a sneak-peak into the kitchens.
“I really like the service at the Anew Hotel and how they keep everything in order,” says Musa. “The room service is very good. The kitchens are beautiful.”
Similarly in awe of the experience, Gift adds: “What I liked about the hotel is that it is big and beautiful and clean and is a great place to go. The rooms are beautiful and clean, and the pool is big. We also learned about the kitchens and the room service. I really enjoyed the visit. It’s a good place.”
There are many benefits of outings and hands-on learning. Some of these are:
- more engaging ways to learn,
- increased retention,
- practice in problem solving and critical thinking
- the exploration of all five senses
- multiple areas of the brain become engaged.
Life skills go hand in hand with development and help children in later life. The most important of these include:
- focus and self-control – children thrive on schedules, habits, and routines, which create a feeling of security, and help them learn self-control and focus,
- perspective-taking – thinking about another’s point of view doesn’t come naturally to most children, but it can be developed,
- communication – children need high-touch personal interactions every day to build healthy social-emotional skills, including the ability to understand and communicate with others,
- making connections – it is said that true learning occurs when we can see connections and patterns between seemingly disparate things,
- critical thinking – through play, children formulate hypotheses, take risks, try out their ideas, make mistakes, and find solutions – essential elements in building critical thinking,
- taking on challenges – with encouragement and allowing reasonable risk, children need to try new things,
- self-directed, engaged learning – encourage reading, play, and open-ended exploration.
We are not meant to be perfect – we are meant to be whole.
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