emotional response

Does your child have poorly controlled emotional responses?

Does your child have poorly controlled emotional responses that do not fall within the generally accepted range of emotional reaction? This is a condition called emotional dysregulation, which is also responsible for unusual changes in mood, mood swings – or labile mood, a nervous condition that causes rapid and extreme mood swings such as

  • uncontrollable laughing or crying,
  • inappropriate emotions,
  • overreacting to small stressors,
  • losing awareness of emotions,
  • becoming insensitive to other people’s feelings.

emotional responseEmotional dysregulation can stem from a variety of causes. Some people may have a natural leaning towards increased emotional sensitivity. Childhood trauma, neglect, or unstable environments can also be a reason for emotional dysregulation. Depriving a child of basic needs, including adequate supervision, health care, clothing, housing, as well as other physical, emotional, social, educational, and safety needs, is considered child abuse. When a person grows up in an environment where emotional responses are not recognised, or where emotions are punished, that person may struggle to develop healthy coping mechanisms for managing his/her feelings. Conditions such as attention deficit hyper-active disorder can contribute to difficulties in emotional regulation. So can post-traumatic stress, caused by experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening traumatic event; as well as a traumatic brain injury from a violent blow to the head.‌

Signs of emotional dysregulation include

  • severe depression and anxiety
  • high levels of shame and anger, and self-harm
  • excessive substance use, high-risk sexual behaviour
  • extreme perfectionism

emotional responseTreatment for emotional dysregulation includes therapies designed to help the person identify, understand, and manage his/her emotions. Skills that need to be taught include mindfulness, distress tolerance, and the ability to communicate needs and maintain composure throughout the conversation. With the right tools and support, learning to better control emotions and improve emotional strength can be achieved. Our professional team at Capulum College has the skills to help guide you. And remember childhood is considered the most critical developmental period in human life.

For more information visit: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/25065-emotional-dysregulation

You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think – A A Milne



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